XBRL Validation Service

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The XBRL Validation Component is a software component responsible of performing XBRL 2.1 validation according with the XBRL 2.1 specification. This is, including taxonomies referenced from the XBRL Report, the complete DTS, all validation rules described in the Taxonomies and linkbases etc.

Operating modes

The XBRL Validation Component has two operation modes:

Full validation mode

Under this mode, the input is one or more files to validate. The output is an XBRLValidationReport that contains information about errors found during validation phases.

Fast validation mode

Under this mode, the taxonomy is already loaded and one one XBRL report is validated against the taxonomy loaded.

The Validation engine can be initialized for indicating exactly what validation steps shall it execute and what validation steps the user may not be interested in executing. By default, all validation steps are included.


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