About Us

We are Reporting Estándar — Specialized in XBRL Software

Reporting Estándar is an XBRL software company dedicated, mainly, to three activities:

Reporting Estándar

Computer consulting specialized in XBRL.

Professionals for XBRL understanding.

Development of XBRL standard

Optimization of XBRL standard.

XBRL software creation

Diffusion and expansion of XBRL.

About the founder

Ignacio Hernández-Ros

Ignacio Hernández-Ros is founding partner and CTO of Reporting Estándar. Previously, he used to work for the XBRL International Consortium as IT Director. Ignacio in fact, has developed his professional career in prestigious consulting firms such as Accenture, PriceWaterhouseCoopers or Software AG; where he managed the XBRL bussines unit internationally. He has been, in addition, a member of European Committes, such as CESR (Committee of European Securities Regulators) and CEBS (Commitee of European Banking Supervisors),where he participated as XBRL technology expert.

Satisfied customers

Reporting Estándar, has trained, both Financial Markets Regulators and companies, in the use of XBRL standard. In commercial matters, besides, Reporting Standard has distributed its XBRL software products and services among a wide range of clients, which it is carry on growing in all of the countries where XBRL is used.

XBRL standard – Objectives and priorities

During its first two years, Reporting Estándar had focused exclusively on the technical development of the estándar XBRL funded by XBRL Internacional Consortium. Right now, the key objective of the company is the XBRL standard expansion of the use and understanding in the public and private sectors nationally and internationally.

Reporting Estándar priorities are:

Reporting Estándar

Spread knowledge about XBRL standard:

For this, we give training courses regularly.

Reporting Estándar

Contribute to a better XBRL standard definition:

We participated in XBRL Internacional working groups.

Reporting Estándar

Help efficiently to the XBRL information flow among those who need to exchange reports, either in the public or private sector.

That is, we elaborated the best XBRL software in market.

Participation to XBRL standard

Some of Reporting Estándar´s participations to XBRL standard definition have been:

Dimensions Specification 1.0 (XDT)

XBRL formula processor using XQuery 1.0

Initial Versioning XBRL Specification