XBRL Express Editor – Enterprise

XBRL Express Editor – Enterprise

Taking XBRLizer as a base to improve, Reporting Estándar aunches the simplest and most intuitive XBRL Express Editor – Enterprise in the market.

This new XBRL Express Editor – Enterprise has been designed with the users who only need to create and edit specific XBRL reports in mind. We have limited its functionalities to a specific work field.

This desktop tool allows users to create XBRL reports without XBRL knowledge needing. Maintaining all the power of XBRL validations and data models in XBRL format.

The XBRL Express Editor – Enterprise works like a Spreadsheet in which, by clicking on a ceel, elements are automatically presented: (company, time period, dimensions, measure or currency unit). All these data can be modified later and, if they are not detected automatically, tool asked for them, which makes it even more useful.

It supports, among others, following validation, presentation and calculation characteristics:

1) Validation
– XBRL 2.1. standard.
– Expansion of Dimensions 1.0.
– XBRL 1.0 formulas.

2) Form presentation: (traditional, dimensions y XBRL 1.0 tables).

3) Automatic calculations based on calculation linkbaseXBRL 2.1.

Main features of XBRL Express Editor – Enterprise:

  • Multifunctionality:
    – Language: User sill choose language and text label.
    – Content: User can decide which form he wants to visualize.
  • Excel understanding:
    Exportation: User can generate Excel files taking as starting point XBRL reports. Only taking an XBRL report as a starting point.
    Importation: Using a template system it creates template files to import and generate XBRL reports from Excel.
  • Simplified graphic interface: complex XBRL technical features has been dispensed with, making it easier for the user to create and edit XBRL reports.

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