New taxonomy published by ESMA
The Friday 20th of December, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published a new version of the ESEF Taxonomy. This new version comes to replace the ESEF draft Taxonomy of 2017, based on IFRS 2017. This taxonomy have been prepared based on the more modern IFRS 2019, as a consequence of the ESEF regulation update. In addition, for this version, ESMA has fixed some issues with the translation for some languages.
We want to remind issuers that they will have to prepare their annual financial reports (AFRs) from 1 January 2020, using this new version. With this in account, we have updated our catalogue, and online taxonomy files. Due to that, we congratulate in announcing that all issuers using the Reporting Standard XBRL tools will be able to report in the ESEF 2019 Taxonomy (for any language).
Illustrated Taxonomy created by Reporting Standard
Once again, ESMA has updated the ESEF Taxonomy in all EU languages. With the objective of facilitate issuers the filling, we have uploaded the new ESEF Illustrated Taxonomy in all EU languages to download for free.
With this, we hope we have helped fillers to have a better understanding of the taxonomy. Don’t doubt contacting us, with any doubt about new ESEF requirements.