FAQ XBRL Express – The easiest to use XBRL editor

The Express Editor of Reporting Standard

Reporting Estándar releases the easiest XBRL report editor in the market. Based on XBRLizer, our powerful XBRL report editor, and taking XBRL Viewer as the source of inspiration, this new editor has been designed with the business users needs in mind. This is the perfect tool for those users which just want to create and edit XBRL reports without the need of any other functionality which would distract them from this task.

Reporting Estándar makes available for Enterprises and Regulators this solution to help supervised companies to make its report in XBRL format.

XBRL Express is a desktop tool that allows users to create XBRL reports without having knowledge of the standard, while maintaining the full power of XBRL validation and XBRL data models.

It has the following features:

  1. XBRL 2.1 standard validation
  2. Dimension 1.0 validation
  3. Formula 1.0 validation
  4. It can display the taxonomy forms using a traditional grid form, dimensional forms (similar to Excel Tables) and Table 1.0 forms
  5. Import / Export  from and to Excel, sharing xbrl information or  creating XBRL from Excel data is easier than ever.
  6. Automatic cell filling based on Calculation Linkibase.
  7. XBRL Taxonomy Catalog, available to be managed by the institution.
  8. Clear, neat and easy graphic interface, aim to be friendly to the final user.

The XBRL Express For Regulator version has also another advances features, which are not available in other XBRL tools:

  1. XBRL Express can be customised for every project or institution.  This way the final users will get an interface which can be recognise easily. Just as a sample, some kind of fiscal identification is commonly used as the information to be reported in the “Scheme” and the “Identifier” of a XBRL report. In every country this piece of information, is called an defined in different ways (RUT, RUC, RPJ, NIT, CIF, ..). XBRL Express For Regulators allows, within an institutional project environment, to be customised so only the reporting companies to this institution will get a version of the tool with the terms they are used to.
  2. XBRL Express synchronises the taxonomies available to the end user with an Internet repository managed by the institution itself. There are thousands of taxonomies (forms) in the world and each institution is offering their own taxonomies (forms) to its supervised entities. Thus, a user will only view the taxonomies (forms) which are meant to be reported to the institution, no more nor less.
  3. XBRL Express is licensed to the regulator, so the end users can download and install the tools for free. License cost is set according to the number of companies that will use the tools and the support levels required. Each reporting company can download the tool and obtain a license that will allow immediate access to the customised version of the tool for the institution which has to report.

XBRL Express for Regulators is currently being used in Colombia by Superintendencia de Sociedades, regulator which is providing the tool among its 30.000 supervised companies.

If you want a live demo don’t hesitate to contact us by email at   info @ reportingstandard . com, we will be glad to set an appointment with you to show you the tools.

Main features of XBRL Express:

  • Multi language: End user can choose its preferred displaying language. Labels used to render the information will be chosen based on these user preferences. Unlike other XBRL products, the user can specify all the desired languages as well as the preferred order to be displayed. If a label is not available for the first option selected then the tool will look following the list from top to down.


  • Multi content: If the XBRL report has more than a form the user can choose in every moment in which one of them wants to work.


  • Export to Excel: Want to share the information in your report, but no XBRL capable tool in the receiver side? No problem, just export your filled data to Excel.


  • Import from Excel using tempaltes: XBRL Express allows you to create templates which can be used to import your data from Excel in order to build up your XBRL report.


  • Simplified graphic interface. We have left aside complex functionalities, more XBRL technical related, wich are present in other tools so the end user can focus in what really matters: Creation and Edition of XBRL reports.

Special features of XBRL Express For Regulators:

  • License distribution according to regulators needs. Along with XBRL Express we will provide the regulator with the software tools needed to manage the licenses granted to the final users.
  • Graphical user interface customisation. Texts, menu options or tools bars can be customised fulfil the regulators needs in order to adjust the functionality to its requirements. This assures a better experience to the final user as well as a more controlled environment for the regulator.


  • Taxonomy Catalog managed by regulator. The regulator may choose which taxonomies will be available for its supervised companies, which will become a more straight forward mechanism for the supervised companies to know what information they are expected to report and excellent filter for the regulator to get just the information they want to receive.  No other information beside the catalog will be allowed to be reported.




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