XBRL International Certified XBRL Software
The Reporting Estandar´s software is XBRL/iXBRL certified.
To say that a software product has qualified as XBRL Certified™ Software implies that the software has been inspected by XBRL International for conformance to the XBRL specifications. The certification programme exists to ensure interoperability between XBRL software products. This ensures that XBRL reports created using one vendor’s software can be successfully consumed in another vendor’s software. As such, those reports will be consumed in the same way by any software that qualifies as XBRL Certified™ Software.
The certifications obtained are for validation of XBRL reports, creation of XBRL information and review of XBRL reports.
Types of certificates issued by XBRL International
Since XBRL is a modular specification, you can obtain certification in one or more modules. The modules currently available are:
Core (XBRL 2.1)
Inline XBRL v1.1
Table Linkbase v1.0
Extensible Enumerations v1.0
Formula v1.0
Units Registry v1.0
For each module, certification is currently provided for three types of software:

XBRL information validation software
Software designed to validate and process information in XBRL or iXBRL (Inline XBRL) format. The certification verifies that the software correctly validates the information according to the specification. The report consumption software is tested using the Conformance Suites that accompany the XBRL specifications. These tests ensure interoperability and compliance with the specifications.

XBRL information creation software
Software used to prepare information in XBRL or iXBRL format. In order to obtain certification, the information produced needs to be validated by any consumer software that has itself obtained XBRL certification.

Review and reporting software
Software for reviewing, analysing, auditing and visualising information in XBRL or iXBRL (Inline XBRL). The certification verifies that the software validates reports using a certified validation processor.