Improvements in the XBRL Editor version
From Reporting Standard we are pleased to announce the improvements made in the new XBRLizer update, our XBRL Editor 3.3.1 version. These optimizations have focused on two points:
- Better integration of EBA Taxonomy.
- Improvement in the treatment of formulas preconditions.
Better integration of the EBA Taxonomy.
This update of the XBRLizer, the XBRL Editor, involves a new EBA processor to adapt the Taxonomy of the Europe Banking Authority (EBA) to our software. It allows the integration of taxonomy functionalities, in the process of reports creation in XBRLizer.
In addition to this, it as well allows export and import of EBA reports from XBRL to Excel.
Improvement in the treatment of formula preconditions.
With this improvement, we have reduced the evaluation time for formulas by 13%; what supposes greater quickness in the acceptance of the previous conditions to carry out the formulas.
These improvements join the already characteristic features of the XBRLizer:
- Visualization and edition of XBRL reports.
- Edition:
- Text labels associated with each concept.
- Presentation structures, parent and child elements.
- Multi:
- Interface (traditional or multidimensional)
- Language
- Company
- Content
- Recognition of iXBRL-XBRL-Excel files.
- Catalog of accredited taxonomies.
- Creation of tuples or group elements
- Editing contexts
With this update, Reporting Standard keep on continue with its development philosophy and its commitment in the standard XBRL diffusion carried out for its products.
In Reporting Standard we carry on improving to adapt our software to the mandate of ESMA (European Security and Markets Authority) to report financial statements electronically (ESEF) from 2020.