XBRL Internacional provided the first XBRL Software Certification to Reporting Standard

Paris, November 6th, 2017

The software created by Reporting Estándar obtained the XBRL software certification for creation and consumption of XBRL reports. XBRL International, the global organisation committed to both XBRL standard development and disclosure, is the organisation responsible of providing this certification. This year, for the first time, it grants this certification to companies that overcome the rigorous technical requirements established by them.

See here the announcement of XBRL International.

John Turner, CEO of XBRL International has said:

XBRL software certification makes it easier for everyone involved in 21st century corporate, regulatory and enterprise reporting to ensure that information that is prepared in one place using a certified software package can be accurately and seamlessly consumed in another.

Our certification builds confidence among those relying on the software – such as issuers, accountants, service providers and regulators – to make XBRL-tagged data easily usable across multiple platforms.

Also in words of Teresa Bellosillo, CEO of Reporting Estándar:

Our commitment to offer the best service and quality of our work is an ongoing task. Of course, this task does not end up with the XBRL International certification. This certification means that we will continue being at the vanguard of improvement, development and dissemination of XBRL standard.

Best regards,

Reporting Estándar S.L.

XBRL International provided Reporting Standard with badge of the software certification for XBRL creation
The software certification for XBRL creation
XBRL International provided Reporting Standard with badge of the software certification for XBRL consumption
The software certification for XBRL consumption

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