XBRL for referencing in public procurement on EU

Public procurement and XBRL 2.1

The European Commission, after consulting the European multi-stakeholder platform on ICT standardisation and sectorial experts, has adopted a decision regarding public procurement. This is that the eXtensible Business Reporting Language version 2.1 is eligible for referencing in public procurement.

Full text on EUR-LEX in several languages

It is always good news to see how XBRL receive recognition and support from public institutions. From Reporting Estándar we want to thank and encourage all the XBRL community to continue its great work, as it has been doing over the years. Let’s take this recognition as a encouragement to continue investing in the development of XBRL as a quality standard.

From 2016 public procurement and XBRL are joined

Reporting Standard, as usual, will keep contributing to XBRL standard, and investing on it.

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